Stress and Insomnia

Acupuncture not just physical
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Out of Your Head, Into Your Body: Optimized Performance through Acupuncture

If you spend any time at all on social media, you’ve seen celebrities and sports figures having acupuncture.  The list of celebrities who swear by the benefits of acupuncture is long: Gwyneth Paltrow, Robert Downey, Jr., Shaquille O’Neal, Kim Kardashian, and Natalie Portman, just to name a few. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, who suffered multiple…

6 Types of Massage. Finding the Right One for You.
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6 Types of Massage. Finding the Right One for You.

While many view massage as a type of pampering or something you do at the spa, it’s much more. Athletes and weekend warriors rely on massage therapy to increase performance and rehabilitate injured muscles and tissues. Cancer patients utilize vibrational healing massage therapy (VHMT) for pain and grounding, and those recovering from illness choose lymphatic…

Teenagers and Acupuncture: Injury to Depression to Wellness

Teenagers and Acupuncture: Injury to Depression to Wellness

You do not have to be physically mature to benefit from acupuncture. Teenagers respond very well to acupuncture’s healing effects—and it can set them on a lifelong path to wellness. At Peninsula Acupuncture, the best alternative health care providers in the Mountain View, Los Altos, and Sunnyvale, CA, area, we often see teenagers whose parents…