
napping is good for you

Why Napping is Good for Your Health

Note: This post in an excerpt from an article written by Julien Adler originally published on Julien is an executive business coach and leadership trainer. In the last decade, scientific research has been proving all of us celebrated nappers correct—that sleep deprivation costs American businesses $63 billion a year in lost productivity and that a short…

Insomnia-Creating a Program That’s Right for You!

Insomnia-Creating a Program That’s Right for You!

People think insomnia is a complicated issue, but it needn’t be. By taking a comprehensive approach, you can see improvements to your sleep quality within just a few days. As an acupuncturist, I’ve written about insomnia from a Chinese medical perspective, so I’ll use this forum as more ‘how-to’ guide on steps you can take…