
Acupuncture for Hot Flashes
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Acupuncture for Hot Flashes

Hot Flashes are the second most reported symptom of perimenopause and are experienced by up to 50% of women. Common approaches to treatment include hormone therapy, herbal supplements and one of my favorites, acupuncture. While Chinese medicine can be difficult to understand, we can always break it down to yin and yang. Yin represents the…

You Don’t Have to Live with Migraines
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You Don’t Have to Live with Migraines

Migraine sufferers know a special kind of pain. Curing the condition can feel hopeless. I know that from experience. Having migraines as a child, I used to miss school and wonder what I was doing wrong. Most people who get migraines feel the same way. They’ll do anything to prevent migraines, but most things don’t…

How Acupuncture Works: It’s Science
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How Acupuncture Works: It’s Science

Many people think acupuncture works by some strange combination of mysticism and the placebo effect. That’s simply not true.  Even though acupuncture was developed long before modern medicine, in China five thousand years ago, it has been proven again and again to have real positive effects on physical and mental ailments. The mysterious explanation You…