
Insomnia-Creating a Program That’s Right for You!

Insomnia-Creating a Program That’s Right for You!

People think insomnia is a complicated issue, but it needn’t be. By taking a comprehensive approach, you can see improvements to your sleep quality within just a few days. As an acupuncturist, I’ve written about insomnia from a Chinese medical perspective, so I’ll use this forum as more ‘how-to’ guide on steps you can take…

Finding & Treating the Causes of Insomnia

Finding & Treating the Causes of Insomnia

According to the National Institute of Health it is estimated that some 50-70 million Americans suffer from sleep or wakefulness disorders causing nearly $50B in lost productivity and upwards of 5000 car crashes. A related disorder called sleep apnea (temporary cessation of breathing while asleep) affects 12-18 million Americans. In my practice, I see first-hand the…

Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture for Hot Flashes
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Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture for Hot Flashes

If you’re a woman in your forties or fifties, it’s likely you’ve experienced changes taking place associated with menopause. For some women this transition is easy. For others, the onset of menopause can be much more challenging and may include symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, thirst, and insomnia. While Western Medicine ascribes these changes…