Herbs and Supplements

D-Hist & Albizia Complex: Two Must Haves for Allergy Season

D-Hist & Albizia Complex: Two Must Haves for Allergy Season

D-Hist is my ‘go-to’ product for allergy season. I like it because it’s a blend of herbs, vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes; a nice blend of Eastern and Western medicine. D-Hist The combination of ingredients work to stabilize mast cells that cause allergy symptoms when they break open. Other benefits include thinning of mucous and…

Perimenopause, What’s Really Going On-Part II
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Perimenopause, What’s Really Going On-Part II

Last month I wrote an article on perimenopause from a Western perspective. In this article I’ll explain this transition from a Chinese medical perspective. To begin, let’s lay the groundwork with some basic concepts. What is Yin and How Much do I Need? Yin (the opposite of Yang), can describe anything in the body. In…