
Peninsula Acupuncture, California

Relationship Reset: Get Back the Ability to Cope

People seek help from an acupuncturist for reasons other than physical pain. Acupuncture can also help alleviate mental and emotional issues, such as stress. Everyone gets overwhelmed from time to time, but it’s not unusual for someone to reach a point where they can no longer cope well with their stress. Experts recommend making lifestyle…

Peninsula Acupuncture--how acupuncture works
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How Acupuncture Works: It’s Science

Many people think acupuncture works by some strange combination of mysticism and the placebo effect. That’s simply not true.  Even though acupuncture was developed long before modern medicine, in China five thousand years ago, it has been proven again and again to have real positive effects on physical and mental ailments. The mysterious explanation You…

Peninsula Acupuncture Back Pain
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Nerve Pain from Disc Impingement: Acupuncture Can Help

As you get older, you’re more prone to back problems, specifically disc impingement or herniated discs, which can cause continuous pain and numbness. Discs are the cushions between vertebrae in your spine. These little discs do a lot of work: They stop the vertebrae from grinding together and help provide flexibility. The problem is that…